Earn Money While Twitting
Creating a good twitter account (If you already got a twitter account go ahead to Step3)
Step 1:
Go to www.twitter.com and create an account. Remember to signup using a girl name and also make your account like a girl.
Step 2:
Login to your twitter account and go to “settings” –>”Picture” and
add a picture. I suggest you to find a girl picture as this will make
you get more followers (i will explain later)
The rest:
Step 3:
Sign-up here.
Use your legit info and a real Paypal e-mail or or you will not receive
the money you earn. Use the twitter account that you just made before.
Don’t worry, your account will be safe at this site. I have been there
for months and nothing ever happened. This site is where we are gonna
earn our money from. This is also the site where our advertisements
will come from
Step 4:
Now off to this site and log in with your twitter account. Don’t worry, your account will be safe. Now you should be here:
Now, before doing anything else, go to TwitterHolic and find a famous person. Press the person you want and copy his username. Shown in this picture
Then go back to FlashTweet and copy in the username from TwitterHolic and press “Mass Follow”.
Now you should get a long long list. Scroll down to the end of it. You should be here now.
Press “Check all” and then “Follow”. Let the site load (might take some
time) and repeat with site “2″ and “3″ and so on until you are
following 700-1000 people (you can see how many your following from
your twitter account)
Step 5:
Now wait for about 1 hour. You should now have more than 50 followers.
If you do not have more than 50 followers then just wait some more
time. When you got the 50+ Go back to FlashTweet and press “Following
only” now you should see the list of the people you follow, just like
Now press “Check all” and then “Unfollow” Now you should be following 0 people and have 50+ followers. Smart =)
Step 6:
Go to twtad, Login and press “Twitter accounts” if your twitter account
don’t show up there, simply ad it by filling in username and password.
Now press “Post Ads”. Then choose an ad and press on its name. You
should now be here
Simply press “post ad” and then your done.
Now, the ad will appear in the chat. When some of your followers click the ad you will earn some money (depending on the ad)
This might have taken some time but tomorrow you will only have to head
over to FlashTweet Follow some more people and you will get even more
followers. With more followers, more will see your add = more money.
I got more than 2k followers already and i earn more than $2 every time i post an add.
HINT: don’t post ads more than twice per 24 hours.